Traditional British valuesTraditional British values
Under the proposals, all 11 to 16-year-olds will learn about free speech and democracy in the uk, as well as about the contribution of different communities to building a modern, successful country
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Douglas Hawkey Yasser ArafatDouglas Hawkey Yasser Arafat
Nobel Peace Prize winner. He was also an adaptable, powerful politician with a flair for the dramatic. This paper will summarize the basic chronology of his political life prior to a more in depth analysis of selected events, political
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Stanford university department of computer science profile founded in 1965, the Department of Computer Science is a center for research and education at the undergraduate and graduate levelsStanford university department of computer science profile founded in 1965, the Department of Computer Science is a center for research and education at the undergraduate and graduate levels
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Article: Dual Class Shares in Canada: An Historical Analysis Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Poonam PuriArticle: Dual Class Shares in Canada: An Historical Analysis Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Poonam Puri
Sloan Program for the Study of Business in Society June 2005 Retreat on Shareholder Valuism, and in particular Larry Mitchell, for their comments on an earlier version of this article. We are also indebted to Philip Girard for his many helpful suggestions
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Fighting for Values’ Atlanticism, Internationalism and the Blair DoctrineFighting for Values’ Atlanticism, Internationalism and the Blair Doctrine
The Iraq war of 2003 showed that the bridge could not bear the weight of the disagreement between ‘old Europe’ and the new conservatives in Washington. As the transatlantic architecture came crashing down
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